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The UE News is published eight times a year by the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE).

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A Growing Party with Big Plans ...
Labor Party Says:
Just Health Care!

More than 1,400 delegates attended the Labor Party's First Constitutional Convention in Pittsburgh. A number of critical issues were decided, including the Labor Party's electoral policy and the major issue-based campaigns that will become the focus of the party's work. Delegates also agreed to ambitious targets for "growing the Labor Party," launched the "Just Health Care" campaign, rallied and had some fun, too. (12/98)

Labor Party
Convention Summaries

For more general coverage, here are the daily summaries produced at the convention and distributed to the delegates. (12/98)

UE Solidarity Decisive
in OEM Negotiations

The attorney for OEM began negotiations with amalgamated UE Local 683 by threatening workers in the plastics industry shop with a dramatically worsened future: A 24-hour-a-day, holiday-free work environment, with 12- and 16-hour shifts, and $1 an hour reduction in the starting wage. That’s not how the new contract ratified Nov. 23 reads, however ... (12/98)

Locke Local
Prevails in 44-Day Strike

United around demands for economic justice and company respect for their union, the 175 members of UE Local 120 are back on the job at Locke Insulators Inc. in Baltimore after their 44-day strike secured an acceptable contract ... (12/98)

Erie Locals Back Unity Rally
The report that the American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan planned a rally on the steps of the Erie County Courthouse brought a swift and sure response from the community and the UE locals in Pennsylvania’s third-largest city. UE members had a leading role in the successful "Unity in Our Community" rally that drew some 1,500 area residents ... meanwhile, General Electric claimed 'poverty' in its refusal to help defray the costs of the community event ... (12/98)

Stepan Workers
Make Gains in New Contract

Stepan workers, members of amalgamated UE Local 1421, have overwhelmingly ratified a new three-year agreement. Every worker signed a petition in support of the negotiating committee and wore UE buttons and daily sticker messages as an expression of unity ... (12/98)

Metco Workers Eliminate
Insurance Contributions

Metco Manufacturing workers have more cash this holiday season, thanks to a UE contract that eliminates all employee contributions towards medical insurance premiums ... (12/98)

District 10
Determined to Build Union

An upbeat, spirited UE District 10 Council meeting here Oct. 16-17 left delegates more determined than ever to strengthen their locals and build the union throughout the union’s West Coast region. (12/98)

Local 1094 Executive Board
PHOTO: The UE Local 1094 executive board pauses for a moment for a photo ... (12/98)

Locals Ratify Salaries
Unique in governing the salaries of officers and staff by constitutional amendments subject to membership vote, UE locals have ratified the salaries set by delegates to the union's convention in August ... (12/98)

Transforming Policy Into Action
The new UE Policy book containing all 32 resolutions and reports adopted by the 63rd Convention, is now available. Especially important are the resolutions emphasized by the convention's Policy Action Committee ... (12/98)

'Outsider' In Again
PHOTO: The outsider is still in the House: Vermont’s independent member of Congress, Bernie Sanders, won election to a fifth term in office by capturing a commanding 63 percent of the vote. UE Vermont locals contributed time and votes to the campaign ... (12/98)

UE Wins 112-65 at JPE Finishing
"We needed a union," writes new UE Local 798 member Lori Lovejoy in telling why she and her co-workers voted for UE to overcome favoritism, ill-treatment and seven-day weeks on mandatory overtime, often "for three or four months at a time." A crucial part of the organizing drive was the work done by UE rank and file volunteers, who shared their own experiences about belonging to a member-run union ... (11/98)

Glastic Workers Vote to Join UE
Glastic Corp. workers voted 58-51 on October 30 to join UE. From the beginning workers based the campaign on their demand for respect on the job and safer working conditions. Once again, UE rank and file volunteers were crucial in assisting in the organizing drive, helping Glastic employees overcome a legacy of workplace abuse ... (11/98)

Second Iowa College Staff Goes UE
UE's rapidly expanding ranks in the Hawkeye State grew by more than 100 workers on Oct. 15 when support staff employees of Western Iowa Technical Community College voted to join UE. WIT workers overcame anti-union tactics traditionally used by private-sector companies in deciding on UE representation ... (11/98)

Choosing UE as Easy as A-B-C
For the reading and writing teachers who work for the Literacy Project, deciding to be represented by UE was as easy as a-b-c — even though their employer put up initial resistance. The 15 teachers decided their minds were made up and voted unanimously for union representation on Oct. 23 ... (11/98)

Labor Party Convention Summaries
More than 1,400 delegates attended the Labor Party's First Constitutional Convention, marking the milestone with enthusiasm and a determination to build a real political voice for working people. We'll have our own UE News coverage of the event in December ... (11/98)

Ohio Supreme Court Backs Union
The right of public employees in Ohio to strike and picket is strengthened by last month’s refusal by the Ohio Supreme Court to hear an appeal of a decision earlier this year in favor of UE. Public employees are no longer required to give notice of their intent to strike or picket. ""We consider this a victory for all working people, and for free speech."," said UE Local 791,UTW Pres. Sherri Nelson ... (11/98)

Contracts Continue
Company-Paid Insurance at ABB

With their new contracts, members of UE Locals 625 and 626 remain the only workers in the ABB chain who do not contribute to the cost of their health insurance. Management tried unsuccessfully to bring these UE members into conformity ... (11/98)

LSC Rates Up, Classifications
Down, In Pact With Local 623

Their new UE contract gives LSC workers in Plum simplified classifications and rate progression. These members of amalgamated UE Local 623 ratified their contract with the automatic screw machine company on Oct. 1. ... (11/98)

Local 623 Helps Secure
Workers' Comp Award

Vincent Trangle worked for LSC for nearly 40 years. When he became sick and disabled because of his job, his employer’s insurance company did not want to know about it. Trangle faced medical bills totaling more than $110,000 without assistance or income. Fortunately for Trangle, he was a member of UE Local 623 ... (11/98)

Mexican Workers
Tell of Safety Hazards

UE News International: In Canada, three workers from the Itapsa factory in Mexico City,   fired for their union-organizing activities, testify about safety and health risks at their former workplace. The U.S.-owned plant was recently purchased by the Ohio-based Dana Corporation from Connecticut-based Echlin. The UE-initiated Dana Workers’ Alliance — a coalition of 11 unions from all three NAFTA countries which represent Dana workers — brought a complaint originally against Echlin and the Mexican government under the labor side agreement to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). (11/98)

UE Members Return from Mexico
Committed to UE-FAT Alliance

UE News International: The visit to an Otis Elevator plant in Mexico was an eye-opening experience for Rich Drylie, a mechanic employed by metal salvage company in Erie, Pa. who traveled to Mexico in June along with Local 791 Pres. Sherri Nelson and Al Harhay of Local 1111 as part of the worker-to-worker exchange program sponsored by UE and Mexico’s Authentic Labor Front (FAT). The living and working conditions enjoyed by the FAT-represented Otis workers were contrasted with the raw poverty Drylie encountered on Mexican streets ... (11/98)

Mutual Discovery as Mexicans
Tour Mid-America

UE News International: This was not the usual tour of America’s heartland. Two rank-and-file leaders of Mexico’s Authentic Labor Front (FAT) took in a metal fabricating plant, a human billboard, university classrooms, a picket line and union meetings in a visit to UE District 11 ... (11/98)

District 11 Takes on the
Issues, Here and Abroad

The District 11 Council meeting, on Oct. 17-18 took on issues close to home, on the national scene, and even continents away. ... (11/98)

District 6 Thanks Smith,
Celebrates Struggles

Delegates to the District Six Council meeting in Erie on Oct. 24-25 chose a new district president ... heard reports of hard-won settlements ... discussed the November elections and participated in a workshop held in conjunction with the Local 506 Stewards’ Conference ... (11/98)

District 1 Hears Report
from Locke Picket Line

Delegates to the District One Council meeting heard reports from the Locke Insulators picket line; heard (and acted on) a call to organize, discussed political action, participated in a UE Education Dept. workshop and elected new officers during their October meeting ... (11/98)

Local 924 Retirees
At the ninth annual UE Local 924 retirees’ luncheon, some  230 retirees and guests heard reports on the Labor Party and the union’s campaign to protect Social Security ... (11/98)

Marchers Demand Beloit Stay Open
Hundreds of UE Local 212 members and supporters march four and a half miles from the Beloit-Jones plant in Dalton, Mass. to Park Square to give muscle to their demand that Harnischfeger Inc. delay plans to close the plant and work with the union and elected officials to keep the plant open. The announced closing has resulted from 'A Sorry Tale of Greed, from Indonesia to Wall Street' ...   (10/98)

Iowa School Employees
Union Affiliates

The 65 school employees in this Mississippi River community in southeastern Iowa became the latest to come under the protection of UE when members of Keokuk Educational Office Personnel (KEOP) voted
to affiliate with UE on Sept. 29. The school district’s secretaries, receptionists, bookkeepers and teachers’ associates have successfully maintained their independent union for more than two decades. Union leaders ... have been reading of UE success in winning contracts for other school district employees elsewhere in the state. ... (10/98)

Local 120 Fights Locke's Givebacks
[Strike Settled November 13th]. Members of UE Local 120 have been on the picket line since October 1st, fighting concession demands by NGK/Locke Insulators, Incorporated — and for the respect they've earned on the job ...   (10/98)

Local 893 Readies for Bargaining
With State; Endorses Candidates
For Governor, Senate

After carefully considering the records of the two candidates for governor, delegates to the annual meting of UE Local 893-Iowa United Professionals endorsed Tom Vilsack, a Democratic state senator ...  (10/98)

UE Calls for Action on
Echlin's Rights Abuses

Testifying in Ottawa, UE Genl. Sec.-Treas. Bob Clark calls on the Canadian government to condemn the actions of Mexico’s labor authorities and Connecticut-based Echlin Inc. for their abuse of workers’ rights. ...  (10/98)

UE Opposes 'Cooperation'
Structure Between
AFL-CIO and Big Business

UE Genl. Pres. John Hovis and GE Conference Board Sec. Stephen Tormey have sent a letter to UE locals in the General Electric chain opposing plans to establish a new structure of collaboration between the AFL-CIO and major corporations, including GE. As reported in the October issue of the Labor Notes newsletter ...   (10/98)

Labor Scores Win with
House Rejection of Fast Track

In a victory for workers, the House of Representatives decisively rejected "Fast Track" legislation on Sept. 25 by a 243-180 margin. The legislation would have renewed President Clinton’s authority to negotiate trade agreements that could not be amended by Congress. ...  (10/98)

Local 777 Gains in First
Contract Since UE Affiliation

Workers at Cleveland Twist Drill have ratified their first contract as members of UE Local 777-ICTU, following the affiliation of their independent union two years ago. Most important, the members reversed a trend of concessions in recent years ...   (10/98)

Contract with Town
Contains Longevity Pay

In negotiations earlier this year, Montague, Mass. insisted that there would never be longevity pay for municipal workers employed in the town’s Department of Public Works and waste-water treatment plant. These members of amalgamated UE Local 274 proved the boss wrong, using the same principles of unity and aggressive action the union uses in the private sector. ...  (10/98)

Frustration Fuels
Rally at McQuay Plant Gate

Frustration with management arrogance led UE Local 123 to rally outside McQuay International on July 8. The rally by some 150 UE members and supporters seems to have had an immediate effect. Two out of three pending arbitration cases were successfully resolved. ...   (10/98)

Local 155 Reaches Agreement
With Competitive Media

Members of amalgamated UE Local 155 employed by Competitive Media Reporting ratified a new three-year contract on July 31 in a 52-27 vote. The contract, which took effect Aug. 1, brings wage increases in several areas ...   (10/98)

Early Settlement Reached
With Keogels and Sons

Early negotiations between amalgamated UE Local 264 and Charles Koegels and Sons reached an early agreement on Aug. 13. Union members ratified a contract that raises wages by 26 cents an hour effective Sept. 19. ...   (10/98)

Local 111 Honors Kern
A 'fine unionist' who helped an independent union find UE has retired ... but not before being honored by his co-workers, members of UE-ICW Local 111 ...   (10/98)

Labor Day Snapshots
PHOTOS: Snapshots from UE locals participating in two Labor Day parades ...   (10/98)

UE Gears Up for
Labor Party Convention

The Labor Party’s First Constitutional Convention will takes place at the Pittsburgh Convention Center from Friday, Nov. 13 to Sunday, Nov. 15. The National union will be the host for the convention, while more than 100 rank-and-file delegates will represent UE ... (10/98)

63rd UE National Convention
Delegates to the 63rd UE National Convention in Pittsburgh had reason to celebrate — another year of growth, a strike victory and collective bargaining gains, good news from the union's international solidarity work, development of the Labor Party and well-considered plans for more of the same. Convention Coverage:  Union Organizing Confronts Terroristic BossesCelebration of Organizing VictoriesDemand Safe Workplaces!Stop Plant Closings!Build the Labor PartyDelegates Take Stand Against RacismShorten the Work WeekInternational SolidarityNabisco Boycott Backed Convention Speakers: Union Organizing: We've Only Just Begun Union Organizing: We've Only Just Begun (Kate Bronfenbrenner)Nurses' Union Leader: Sick System is Ready for Reform (Kit Costello, CNA)Labor Party is Key to Rebuilding Our Nation's Union Movement (Tony Mazzocchi, LP)Working People Can Change Politics (Libby Davies, NP/MP Canada)New Official Brings Labor Law's Benefits to Mexico City's Workers (Manuel Fuentes, Mexico City)Globalization Requires Unions to Cooperate Across Borders (Ken Zinn, ICEM) (09/98)

U.S. Government Backs Labor Alliance in Complaint on Mexican Unionbusting
Upholding a complaint filed by UE and the Echlin Workers’ Alliance, the United States government finds that the management at an Echlin auto-parts plant in Mexico allowed thugs from a government-controlled union to disrupt a vote for an independent union last September. ... (08/98)

Unionbuster Abandons Attack
On UE Convention Speaker

One of the nation’s most notorious labor law violators has abandoned its legal assault on a respected labor researcher. Beverly Enterprises decided against appealing a judge’s dismissal of its suit against Dr. Kate Bronfenbrenner of Cornell University ... (08/98)

Contract at Newell,
Long Strike Ends

A long, hot summer is over for members of UE Local 611, who struck at Newell Porcelain over wage and seniority issues on Mother's Day. There's a new contract ...  (08/98)

Local Unions at Ohio
College Vote to Merge

Working opposite sides of the same street — literally — UE Locals 767 and 796 have decided to merge into one union local. The new amalgamated local will retain the number 767. ... (08/98)

World of Work New Roundup
Special from Jeff Apter in Paris — the leader of the Indonesia's main independent union body has been released from prison and the union legalized following the fall of dictator Suharto; German unions amalgamate; support grows for the 35-hour workweek in Europe ... and more ... (08/98)

Local Helps Save Steeltech
Before Bargaining

In Milwaukee, UE Local 1172 members have won a 7% wage increase, but not before rallying support and helping save the company ... (07/98)

UE Approach Shakes Up
Talks at Quad Cities

Quad City Die Casting workers shook up their employer to gain the first significant benefit improvements in more than a decade — by mobilizing for their first contract as members of UE Local 1174 ... (07/98)

First UE Contract at Hawkeye
Community College

Hawkeye Community College support staff who joined UE in December have gained their first union contract. The college employees who are UE Local 855 will enjoy a number of wage and benefit improvements ... (07/98)

This Foundry Got Hotter
During Negotiations

The Kennedy Valve foundry was hotter than usual as the 90 members of UE Local 329 signaled their opposition to institution of a continuous shift operation scheme. Local 329 members ratified a new four-year contract on June 27. ... (07/98)

Polco Workers Fight to Defend
Union, For Second Contract

At Polco Metal Finishing in Milwaukee, a company attempt to destroy Local 1196 has failed; workers have won their second UE contract ... (07/98)

UE Contract Comes to Storm
Lake Schools (Finally!)

The custodial staff of the Storm Lake Community School District are finally working under their first union contract ... (07/98)

District 7: 'A Great
Union with a Big Job"

Delegates attending the District Seven Council meeting here June 27-28 conducted wide-ranging discussions about union education, organizing, political action and arbitration ... (07/98)

District 11 Meeting Largest
In Recent Memory

At the largest District 11 Council meeting in recent memory, delegates gathered here on June 20-21 to celebrated several first contracts and reaffirmed their mission to build the union across the Midwest. ... (07/98)

New Local 791 Local Officers
PHOTO: The members of UE Local 791-UTW on the Ohio Turnpike have elected their new local leaders ... (07/98)

New Local 777 Local Officers
PHOTO: There are new local officers at Cleveland Twist Drill ... (07/98)

Labor Party Considers
Electoral Strategy

The Labor Party will take up the issue of running electoral candidates at its upcoming constitutional convention ... (07/98)

UE Locals Focus on
GE's Insurance 'Vision'

General Electric's "vision" of health-care cost shifting was one of several issues at a meeting of the UE-GE Conference board ... (06/98)

Ontario GE Workers
Share in Back-Pay Award

112 UE-GE members in Ontario, California divide a back-pay award of nearly a quarter-million dollars ... (6/98)

Union Wins Reinstatement
For Worker Injured on the Job

At Kraco, in Compton, California, a 20 year veteran worker is back at work after bring injured on the job — then terminated ... (06/98)

Local 121 Reaches 'Historic'
Contract at Clendenin

Local 121 reached a new and historic five-year contract on May 28 with Clendenin Brothers Inc./C-S Metals Service Inc ...  (06/98)

Local 622 Approves
PAKCO Settlement

A new four year contract negotiated by UE Local 622 with Norton PAKCO Industrial Ceramics raises wages and provides for a number of improvements ... (06/98)

Local 417 Members Reject
Givebacks, Gain Improved Contract

Local 417 members faced down unionbusting demands by Groov-Pin and emerged from negotiations with what is regarded as the best contract in years ... (06/98)

Avdel Workers Make 1998
The Year for Improvements

The members of amalgamated UE Local 417 employed by Avdel Cherry Textron decided at a membership meeting in February that 1998 would be the year to get what they deserved in contract negotiations ... (06/98)

Local 645 Members
Fight for Contract

UE Local 645 members continue to fight for a fair contract at Precise Technology in North Versailles, Pa. (06/98)

District One Stresses
Shop-Floor Leadership

The union’s local leaders should recognize their responsibility to recruit and develop new leadership from the shop floor, said District One Pres. Connie Spinozzi ... (06/98)

Richest One Percent
Win Rat-Race

PHOTO: The richest one-percent win again — but this time it's UE Local 896-COGS which helped organize the (rat) race to make a point (06/98)

UE-FAT Reception
PHOTO: Texas unionsist host a reception for the national leaderships of UE and Mexico's FAT in Juarez ... (06/98)

Arts Challenge Against Racism
PHOTO: UE Cartoonist Gary Huck serves as judge in the Pittsburgh Arts Challenge Against Racism ... (06/98)

Court Strikes Down
Ohio Picketing Law

In a lawsuit filed by UE, an Ohio court returns free speech rights to union members who find it necessary to picket public officials ... (05/98)

Strike Averted with
Reid Plastics Contract

Solidarity pays off as a strike is averted at Reid Plastics where UE Local 690 members have ended six months of working without a contract ... (05/98)

Urbandale Schools Staff
Win First Contract

Support staff workers at the Urbandale Community School District took to heart the motto "never give up" to win their first UE contract. (05/98)

Perry School Staff
Realize Contract Goals

Perry Schools support staff, members of UE Local 895, have ratified yet another groundbreaking contract, with victories in nearly all of their bargaining goals ... (05/98)

Fight All Night for
First Glenwood Contract

It took many meetings and a marathon 15-hour session, many trips for snacks to the local convenience store and a state-appointed mediator, but the new UE members employed by the Glenwood Community School District won their first contract on April 25 ... (05/98)

Greenfield Cafeteria
Workers Gain With Pact

The members of amalgamated UE Local 274 employed in the Greenfield Schools cafeteria ratified a new two-year agreement on May 6. Wage increases of 3 percent each year ... (05/98)

Water Treatment
Workers Ratify New Contract

Erseco workers in Erving, Mass., members of amalgamated UE Local 269, approved a three-year contract calling for wage increases of $1 ... (05/98)

Gag Rule Rally at UVM
PHOTO: UE members at the University of Vermont rally to oppose their employer's demand for a "gag-rule" during negotiations ... (05/98)

District 6 Fired Up With
Organizing, Labor Party

The atmosphere was electric at the District Six Council meeting here May 9, with highly-charged reports on organizing and building the Labor Party ... (05/98)

GE Unions Meet in Pittsburgh
PHOTO: The Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC) of General Electric Unions meets in Pittsburgh (05/98)

New Local 259 Officers
PHOTO: There are new officers in Local 259 at Atlas Copco in Holyoke, Mass. ... (05/98)

New Officers at Local 279
PHOTO: There are newly-elected officers of Local 279 at the Atwood & Morrill Co. in Salem, Mass. ... (05/98)

Raising Hell
On Capitol Hill

The 1998 UE Political Action Conference
In more than 60 meetings with members of Congress or their aides, UE members met with a full range of reactions: friendship, interest and support; confusion and indecisiveness; bland lack of commitment; polite lack of support ... and outright hostility. (04/98)

Assaults on Free Speech
Free Speech AssaultsThe current political attempts to limit unions’ political action is an attack on free speech. So are these employer lawsuits: the boss demands confidential interviews with victims of unionbusting; an employer group wants to force activists to 'name names and organizational affiliations' ... are we facing a return to the days when honest union members were jailed for exercising their Constitutional rights? (04/98)

Worker-to-Worker Contact
Organizes Recycling Plant

"The members build this union!" Worker-to-worker contact results in UE representation for workers at Hurwitz Scrap Co., in Buffalo, NY (members of new UE Local 616) ... (04/98)

Iowa School District Learns
To Live (and Bargain) with UE

'One last meeting' avoids fact-finding and arbitration for UE Local 893/IUP members in Iowa's Adel-DeSoto-Minburn (ADM) School District, leading to a new, second contract ... (04/98)

Second Agreement with
Western Dubuque Schools

Members of UE Local 893/IUP employed by the Western Dubuque School District have ratified their second contract ... The two-year contract includes wage increases that will average 4.3 percent ... (04/98)

Harco Labs Workers Reach Pact
Six months overdue, but with impressive gains in economic and language areas, members of UE Local 299 employed by Harco Laboratories have ratified a new three year contract ... (04/98)

Fired Husband, Wife Offered
Reinstatement at Moderne Glass

A husband and wife, verbally abused by management and fired during a UE organizing drive, have won offers of reinstatement under a settlement reached with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). Moderne Glass Company also promises to 'refrain from illegal conduct' regarding organizing ... (04/98)

Springfield Police Contract
Arrested by Bungling Board

A Springfield, Vermont selectman tells demonstrating police (members of UE Local 218) he won't talk to "a mob" — after the town suddenly declines to accept a tentative police contract from their own negotiator. Police are still waiting for the selectmen to obey the law. (04/98)

Local 221 Realizes
Goals in CVOEO Contract

A 'nightmarish' start leads to some groundbreaking improvements as members of UE Local 221 ratify a new three-year contract at the Champlain Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO) in northwestern Vermont ... (04/98)

Good Result, Rough
Negotiations with Carboline

The result was "a pretty good contract," Local 764 Pres. David Chambliss tells the UE NEWS ... but the negotiations were not easy ... (03/98)

Local 243 Defends
Family-Supporting Wages

A new multinational owner aims for big concessions, but members of UE Local 243 resoundingly reaffirm their right to a decent standard of living at Sargent Lock ... (03/98)

Local 766 Negotiates,
Despite Closing Threat

Despite negotiating under the threat of a plant closing, there's a new no-concessions contract for UE Local 766 members at Ametek/Westchester Plastics ... (03/98)

Local 274, Wesco Reach
Agreement on New Contract

Amalgamated UE Local 274 members employed by Wesco have ratified a new three-year agreement with the manufacturer of capacitors for the electrical parts industry. The bargaining committee and membership fought off company giveback demands ... (03/98)

A Wrong Righted in Cleveland
A UE member at Cleveland Twist Drill/Greenfield Industries in Solon, Ohio, unjustly fired in January 1997, is offered reinstatement and full back-pay ... (03/98)

District 2 Welcomes
University of Vermont Workers

New UE members at the University of Vermont tell District 2 Council Delegates on-the-job improvements are quite noticeable ... (03/98)

District 11 Gears Up for Organizing
As members of newly-charted UE-Iowa locals proudly display their union charters, District 11 gears up for organizing

Acme Pays Back Wages
As Workers Fight for First Contract

As the decade-old struggle of Chicago's Acme Die Casting workers to gain a first contract took on a national and even international dimension, the company agrees to pay back wages totaling $800,000 to 120 present and former employees... (03/98)

Preparation at Local 770
PHOTO: UE Local 770 leaders gather to prepare for negotiations at Henrick Suspension ...  (03/98)

New Officers at Local 714
PHOTO: New Officers are elected at UE Local 714 at G&C Foundry (03/98)

Labor Faces Free Speech Threat
The labor movement dodges a poison dart as the U.S. Senate blocks consideration of a bill aimed at curtailing unions’ free speech rights (but the "paycheck protection" issue hasn't gone away) ... (03/98)

Study Finds Privatization
Is Not Cost Effective

Privatization is simply not a cost-effective way to provide public services ... (03/98)

General Electric Among
Top 10 Spenders in Washington

General Electric is among the top ten heavy spenders in Washington according to the Associated Press

Local 697 Wins First Contract
Ratification of a first UE contract by Local 697 members, employees of the office furniture manufacturer Flex-Y-Plan in Fairview, brings to a conclusion a long and difficult eleven-month challenge to rank-and-file unionism ... (02/98)

Biggest-Ever Iowa
Political Action Day

UE members tell state legislators to stop privatizing jobs and attacking public sector collective bargaining rights. Delegates also urge an investigation into Iowa's private managed-care provider following the death of a 13-year-old. (02/98)

Local 1421 Reaches
Agreement With Kraco

Kraco workers, members of amalgamated UE Local 1421, reached agreement with the Compton manufacturer of car stereos on Feb. 6 — after first voting overwhelmingly to reject a settlement because of proposed wage levels. In the end, workers convinced Kraco to agreed to the best wage package in some years ... (02/98)

Local 123 Rally Gets Results
Local 123 members in Staunton, Virginia took to the streets to get management moving on outstanding worker complaints — and it worked. Discussions were underway within 72 hours of the Local's spirit-lifting rally. (02/98)

World of Work News Roundup

Sisterhood Across Borders

Two UE members discover the bonds of sisterhood are more powerful than the borders that keep them apart ... A new Mexican Labor Federation signals hope for a positive movement towards greater independence, militancy and democracy ... and France moves toward a 35 hour work-week is the lead story in our World-of-Work news roundup. (02/98)

University of Vermont
Workers Vote UE

After more than a year of struggles — both in the workplace and before the state labor board — more than 300 service and maintenance employees at the University of Vermont in Burlington have voted for UE representation. Tom Stout, a maintenance specialist at UVM, said he was glad to organize into UE because "now we have a voice in our future." (01/98)

Hawkeye Community College
Workers Vote UE

For years, the 120 clerical, custodial and other support workers at Hawkeye Community College were forced to put up with arbitrary changes in their schedules and job duties, no real seniority and a "grievance procedure" with no time limits for management and no guarantee of an impartial hearing. All that changed on Dec. 9 when workers voted 71-18 to be represented by their own union, UE Local 855. (01/98)

Local 1014 Defends
Contract, Repulses 4th Shift

In a heated contract battle with General Cable Corp., UE Local 1014 has pulled together to defeat a national, company-wide plan to implement continuous operations — at the expense of its workers family lives and paychecks. (01/98)

Echlin Agrees to
Probe of Mexican Election

U.S.-based multinational Echlin, Inc., under pressure from union members and activists, has agreed to meet with an alliance of workers from Mexico, Canada, and the United States. The issue: charges that the company used armed thugs to thwart a union drive in Mexico. Echlin also says it will consider a "Code of Conduct" drafted by the alliance. (01/98)

GEB Hears Reports of
Active, Growing Union

Organizing ... contracts ... struggles ... membership involvement ... education ... the Labor Party ... and UE's role in international solidarity were all hot topics during January's meeting of the UE General Executive Board (GEB).  (01/98)

Artist, Former UE Organizer
Ralph Fasanella Dies

Ralph Fasanella, an artist and former UE organizer has died,  leaving a rich legacy of working class art and imagery. (01/98)

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